Advertising investment responsibility policy

As an agency, our work is based on the creation and optimization of advertising campaigns.

Our success rate is over 90% but it is always possible that a company, due to multiple variables, may not achieve its advertising objectives. The guarantee of our services is included in the first month.

Advertising, like any investment, has a risk. Risk produces benefits, but in some cases it can lead to losses. Our experience and knowledge helps us to better determine which type of company to work with and which not to work with.

We do NOT work with just any company, only those we believe we can help, and those beliefs are based on the results of working on previous business models.

Due to the aforementioned, we obtain optimal results and we can reduce the risk by conducting a market study to find out if Digital Marketing is for you. Negative results are still possible.

However, it should also be noted that we are NOT responsible for the money invested in advertising campaigns that unfortunately have not been profitable, since this cause does not depend on us.

Having good campaigns, segmentation, budget, interested in buying from you, excellent website, etc. .... You can have the extravagant case of not making your ads profitable. Our job is to DIRECT the possible client to your company but not to CONVERT him, that is to say, that he ends up buying your product or service. The latter is the responsibility of the client, based on their customer service, website, pricing policy, etc. (which we cannot control).

We create and target an audience that best fits your company's profile, but the buying process does not depend on us. Our job is to bring a good, large and recurring audience.

We advise you in order to make the purchase process as effective as possible and achieve the expected results.

Our MISSION is to keep customers with us for many years to come. We are not interested in new ones coming in and out repeatedly, we are interested in stable and long lasting relationships with our clients.

I hope that this policy and the decisions made by the Adsual Agency are understood.