As is today's deceptive marketing. "I'm the best at..." or so they say.

The other day I was walking around Google studying the competition (you know what a marketing obsessed person like me does). I like to keep up to date with my niche so I can plan future strategies that won't leave me in the shadows.

When I started with "this" of Digital Marketing, I realized that I had a lot to learn, so I started to look at the rest of the agencies around me and "copy" the best of them.

Some things went right, some things went wrong... but at the end of the day I learned on my own and although I still have a lot of growing to do, I couldn't help but judge this same market (to which I belong) a little bit.

I was visiting ads from various agencies and came across some spectacular things:

Do you see something strange in the ads?

Searching for Google Agencies... on Google

If you don't see it, read it again. As soon as I search, the first 3 (who pay the most to appear there) appear to me, defining themselves as "The best..." "The number 1.." "We climb to 7 figures..." Blah Blah Blah Blah...

My criticism is not to favor my company, since I created this blog to serve as constructive criticism. I simply want to highlight the marketing that these "agencies" use to hook clients. And also how other types of companies do the same.

Let's take a step-by-step approach:

The one who needs to define himself as the best is the one who lacks a good service or product.

Normally when it comes to selling we tend to exaggerate and it is true, but it is one thing to say that you are a good company and quite another to crown yourself as the best in your market.

On what basis, can you prove it? Does being the biggest make you have the best service? Does getting more customers automatically make them happy with you?

It's all fallacy after fallacy.

If you know you're good at something, you don't need the lip service. You just go out and prove it.

There is no better way to show what you are worth, than by showing things with your actions. .

In this specific case, they are Marketing Agencies. I.E. professionals who must know the market around them better than anyone else, because that is what they do, right?

Just by seeing that they repeat themselves in the titles, they are already showing that they do not have much idea of marketing or that they leave many loose ends in the campaigns they carry out for their clients. Since it is a blunder that there are 10 companies with the same ad title.

Marketing is based on VALUES as Steve Jobs mentioned more than 30 years ago in one of his lectures.

And all companies have different values, so you must be unique when it comes to advertising and showing yourself to the world. What do I have that makes me better than the rest? What do I bring to the table that is different from others?

If you are not able to denote these characters maybe you should not advertise, can you imagine Pepsi or CocaCola doing exactly the same ad, with the same person, same music and product? Obviously not. If you don't know how to differentiate yourselfyou don't get anything. And in the case of agencies, it's even worse because they live from marketing itself.

But with those ads, you can 't help much.

3º Sensationalism no longer works

We are so fried by marketing all day long that we don't even pay attention anymore and not only that... we are also used to being fooled on a daily basis.

Marketing can be used to make a good company visible or to lie about the product or service of a bad business. It is a double-edged sword.

But we already know all the tricks, lies, funnels that this type of companies throw on our mobile screens day after day.

I am the first one who is against intrusive advertising, because if you annoy the user you are targeting, you are going to punish a lot the image of your company and your sales. And if we also become a sensationalist company, that is to say to sell that we are omnipotent and good... so good that you will beg us to buy from us...

In truth, such marketing is unfortunately still going on, just take a look at YouTube or search for something on Google. But whoever does it also shows that they are a company that doesn't have much idea of marketing.

Maybe if you have the need to define yourself as the best (and blah blah blah) it's because you don't have a good company in the market. And maybe you should first invest in providing a better service or product rather than in marketing.

Marketing is not going to make your company better, it just gives you visibility.

Be innovative, don't look at the majority who do things wrong, and above all be honest with yourself and the people you are addressing.

We are not the best agency, far from it... but we can give you reasons to trust us, to get what you are looking for and to be comfortable. And for that you don't need to lie saying that I'm the best or that I'm going to make you earn 7 FIGURES a year... Without knowing how much you're going to invest. With 100 € can I be a millionaire then?

[Break for a laugh].

In the end, this is not the end of the story

I decided to get out of the marketing cave and came across more companies using this type of strategy...

We will call them the self-Kingslet's see:

Google Search Ad: Solar panels


Maybe I'm stupid but I have researched and it is literally impossible that with solar panels (domestic) you can reduce 100% the electricity bill. And yes, if we read the description we see that it is aimed at HOUSES.

We got off to a bad start, with a rather deliberate lie. Despite that it has good ratings (although I don't trust internet ratings very much).

On the other hand, it is also self-proclaimed (not surprisingly) as the best quality in plates.

Why, what makes you different from the rest? Also this company is not a manufacturer, it is just a distributor. Which means that many companies sell these same solar panels.

I won't mention more, judge for yourselves on what you see.

And finally:

Oh no! Not again. They are everywhere. In fact, in almost every market.

With so many "best" companies , it's hard to choose. But there's nothing here that I haven't told you before.

I hope that now you know how to identify marketing between honesty and deceptive or abusive. Don't believe all the ads you see, ask the company, inform yourself and you will avoid falling into a bad company.

Unfortunately, today's marketing lacks honesty. But little minnows like us will try to give that tinge of balance between good marketing, honesty and art.

Happy week to all! 


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