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The Quality Score in Google Ads How to use it to sell more?

The quality score is a rating that Google assigns to your ads, numbered from 1 to 10.

Your keywords, the quality of your ads or your Landing Page are the factors measured by Google to determine the quality score. Having the highest quality score possible can make your CPC cheaper and your ads will be in the top positions. This factor is very important because it avoids that the first positions are reserved to those who are willing to pay more, that is to say, the first positions will always be reserved to the ads that have a higher quality level. Obviously, if there are two ads from companies that compete with each other, and their quality level is exactly the same, the company that invests a higher CPC will appear in the first positions.

Having a low cost CPC with a high quality score will make the cost per conversion cheaper. Quality Score will allow small and medium sized companies to compete with larger companies that have a larger digital marketing budget. The quality score is done in real time, every time a Google search is performed, so it is really useful to have a daily tracking of your campaigns. This tracking will help you to have your campaigns always up to date in order to get as many impressions as possible.

If we see that at some point the ads are not working properly, or we believe that the competition is getting better results, we should always start improving the quality level of our ads. This will help us to be more competitive when it comes to obtaining more clients, although obviously the quality level is not everything. A tip to keep in mind is that you should not panic if you see your quality level with an average of 5 or 6, most of the campaigns are between these levels and it is something totally normal.

Google does not give a level of quality too high, the worrying thing would be to see your level too low or below these levels that I am mentioning. In order to make an analysis you must go to the keywords section, and put the cursor over the keyword you want to analyze. Each keyword will have a different quality level.

Another way to view the quality level is in the columns section, by selecting the parameters you want to appear in the columns. The factors that determine the quality score are : Expected click-through rate, ad relevance and landing page experience. The formula to determine the quality score is as follows

Knowing this formula, we have the possibility to focus on these parameters in order to increase the quality level. The first parameter mentioned is the CTR (Expected Click Through Rate), i.e. if our ad has 200 impressions and has 20 clicks, our CTR will be 10%.

How can we improve it?

Creating attractive ads, using ad extensions or using calls to action. Another important factor can be to increase the CPC, to be in the first positions and thus increase the CTR. The second parameter is ad relevance, which measures the relationship between your keywords and the ad. In order to improve this relevance it is important to select the keywords well so that customers' searches match exactly with what you are offering, imagine for a moment that you are looking for a Yamaha motorcycle, and when you search for this brand you get Honda motorcycles. It doesn't make any sense and it won't help you to get more sales or prospects.

Another method to improve ad relevance is to have your ad have fewer, but appropriate keywords. The third parameter is set outside of the Google Ads platform, this being the landing page experience. Google takes this factor very much into account when measuring quality score. The landing page must be well organized and must be related to the prospect's search, back to the example of Yamaha motorcycles, the user experience is very important. Another determining factor is the loading time or how fast the landing page loads.

It will be useless to create the best ad in the world if the page where it lands has bugs or is very slow to load. Do not hesitate to hire an expert or a programmer to solve this problem. At the end of this article I will leave you a free gift so you can measure the loading time of your web page. Another factor to take into account is the transparency and ease with which customers can navigate your website, my advice is that your website is so easy to use that your 80 year old grandmother (with all due respect) will be able to buy or purchase your services with as few clicks as possible.

In addition, the Landing page must have a privacy policy. After this information, I am going to give you some final tips about the quality level:

● There is no optimum quality level, but 5 and above is good.

● Look for support on search term and negative keyword reports.

● Execute the changes to be able to increase the quality level as long as you have below average results.

● Increasing the CTR of the ads will help you increase the level of quality.

● And lastly, and the one that seems most important to me : YOUR OBSESSION MUST ALWAYS BE ON ROI AND NOT ON QUALITY LEVEL.

And of course, I haven't forgotten, what I promised is debt :

Greetings to all, I hope you have a happy week :)