The stupidity of Marketing Why doesn't advertising work for me?

The future of marketing is moving towards predictive selling and subliminal or passive selling. Trying to sell directly, in today's times, generates rejection by society. And that can be a main reason why you get a lot of clicks, but few customers and loss of investment.

But why?

One of the biggest revolutions of our time has been the internet. It has made it easier for us to connect in a digital world that encompasses many areas since today it is impossible to live without the internet. Part of our life is on the network and every day we make use of it, accumulating billions of visits, traffic and views on different digital platforms.

This was seen as an opportunity.

An intangible place, but one that gathers a lot of audience. It is a perfect scenario to show ads to these people. But it goes further, because unlike television, which was the advertising medium with the largest audience, here on the Internet we can obtain data on potential customers based on algorithms, behavior, activity and much more.

Showing you more relevant ads that we can ensure you are a target audience. Now I can show my diaper ad ONLY to pregnant moms and also know if they click me, how long they visit my website and track them to show remarketing ads.

Digital advertising is data-driven marketing and that helps brands and companies like yours increase results with the right use of that data.

Well... it's better to see ads for something I like than to be shown 20 different types of ads on traditional TV.

So what's the problem?

Maybe you are misusing this data to show relevant ads, but even if you get it right, it doesn't ensure results.

And the main reason is: The misuse of advertising media

I explain,

Are you sick of watching 20,000 ads on YouTube and always the same ones? Are you sick of playing your favorite mobile game and getting even more ads?

Digital marketing is cheap, accurate and gathers a large audience. But also most traffic platforms: News, forums, videos, movies etc.. They shoot us with ads. Most entertainment media live by showing ads. So the more ads they show, the more they will earn.

Watch a video of your favorite YouTuber... PUM 2 commercials. You travel by car and listen to the radio... PUM 10 minutes of advertising. Watch the news... PUM 15 more minutes of sponsored ads... You go for a walk.. and WHAM you don't stop seeing advertising panels on the street.

We are shot at advertising EVERY day and have become accustomed to it.

The result?

We stop paying attention to the ads. Even if you show your ad to a person who is really interested in your product or service, they have probably seen 50 other ads throughout the day, so when they see yours, they will hardly pay any attention to it.


You try to sell something and you've already earned the audience's hatred because we're sick to death of seeing ads. They hate marketing, although thanks to this world companies prosper, jobs, wealth and economy are created...

Platforms are misusing digital ad spaces to make money, but it is abusive and marketing loses relevance. But there are also advertisers who do it wrong and show their ad 50 times to the same person, annoying and generating audience hate.

If you insist, will you sell more?

No, never

If in 3 times they have not been interested in you, you should not bother that person anymore. So set the frequency of ads to a maximum of 3. If you don't know how to do it you can ask us.

So, marketing no longer works?

Yes, but not like before, the world is changing and so is the way of selling.

Direct selling NO LONGER WORKS. We don't like being tried to sell us things (but we do love to buy). We are hypocrites and that's why our ads should be geared towards predictive and subliminal selling. Not direct selling. That used to work.

Let's take a look at an example of DIRECT SALES THAT NO LONGER WORKS:

What does it convey to you?

You see the words SALE, ON SALE, DISCOUNT.... Your brain has identified that you are being sold something and it secretes a negative feeling. So you lose the desire to buy it.

Now let's look at another example, Google search ads:

Find the differences between those 3 ads. I'm telling you: NONE.

Irrelevance and monotony is what I see. The words OFFER and BEST... They all say the same thing

Who should I believe, are they trustworthy, do they differ in any way?

They repeat like a parrot what others do. Excellent decision to lose money.
Companies such as Carrefour can afford to have bad ads because their investment capacity is in the millions and they recover their investment by other means, but an SME should not do this. SME should not do this.

There is a fever for these words and I don't understand why. If we are all the best, isn't there anyone better than "the best"?

As you can see, they are everywhere.

So forget about qualifying yourself as "the best" and using the words "offer" ; "discount" or "buy".

The idea is that you sell without selling.

Let's see a good example of SUBLIMINAL advertising:

What do you see?

1º They do not use the magic words to determine themselves as the best in the market.

2º They do not use the typical words of sale: Buy, offer, etc...

What's so interesting?

In "1st Free 60 Minute Session". That sentence incites a profound call to action. If it's free I have nothing to lose if I don't like the service, right?

And you may think, then I would lose money by offering my services for free. This depends on your business model. In this case a psychologist, it is known that people who need therapy usually use several consultations and not just one. This way through the "free trial" I encourage them to come with me for the rest of the sessions (this time paying) and I can also demonstrate how good my service is to get the client into a strategic sales funnel (also ethical) and close the sale in the following therapy sessions.

Subliminal sales without more. Have you seen that they are selling you something? No, rather they are offering you the service for free. But without realizing it, they are selling you the next therapy sessions. That's why free trials or samples that you can offer are always a good example of subliminal selling.

Another easy-to-understand easy to understand are the influencers. When they upload a photo of themselves on the beach drinking an Estrella Galicia beer by the sea. They never tell you to buy the beer, nor do they offer brand discounts or promotions, they may not even mention the brand. Rather, it remains in the air and without telling you anything, your brain relates being at the beach (a pleasant moment) with drinking an Estrella Galicia. So when you go to the beach, without realizing it, you will order that brand of beer at the beach bar. They have sold it to you, without telling you anything and without realizing it. Just with a photo of your favorite influencer that generates positive emotions, as well as influencing your decision making. Otherwise, if the influencer mentioned the brand and told you to "buy it in your nearest supermarket", it would have had a much more negative effect and the brand would have sold fewer units of beer, due to the very rejection produced by the fact that they try to sell us things (direct sales).

What about predictive selling?
It's about showing ads to someone you know for sure needs your product or service.

For example, let's say we sell baby diapers.

Who is the ad for? I hope you're not thinking about the baby....

Rather to the parents of that baby. They are the ones who are going to buy the product, even if the final consumer is someone else. Well, there are algorithms that determine based on your behavior on the network what kind of person you are and you can use it to show your ad to "mothers with children from 0 to 12 months".

But here it is necessary to one thing to keep in mind, and that is that we are trying to sell a baby product to a mother who has already one thing, and that is that we are trying to sell a baby product to a mother who has already had a baby, so there is a good chance that she has already chosen her favorite brand of diapers beforehand as a prevision for when the baby is born.

We should think like the buyer, not the advertiser. So it's better to target those mothers who are going to have the baby soon, but who are not yet born. That's our target audience.

How do I know they are pregnant and haven't had a baby yet?

Think like a parent, for example, it is normal to look for information about baby care before the baby is born. You can advertise on those articles and display your ads there, so that they see your brand and think about it before deciding to buy another brand of diapers.

EXAMPLEFor example, the company offers products or services for babies, but in this case not for diapers.

What can a mother or father who is going to have a child look for?

Well, in that blog, if it has banners for ads, it is the ideal place to show my ad.

Must meet the requirements:

1º Page visited by my target audience (parents who are going to have a baby but not yet born), so they are still in the process of making decisions. Perfect for selling my product

2º That the web has Banners to advertise and some web traffic.

Now let's take a look at the example ad, within this website:

Look at the banner on the right. Relevant ad, with a website that attracts my target audience and where my service is 100% related to what people are looking for within that website, as well as showing my ad when they are still in the decision making process and I can convince them to purchase my product or service. They have also avoided the use of the forbidden words I mentioned above.

So my grade for this ad is 11 out of 10. If in addition to having good ads, well positioned, it also has good Landing Page, and calls to action. We can say that it is a profitable and effective ad. Remember that all the structure surrounding the ad must be perfect.

Always use these two strategies: Subliminal selling and predictive selling. Never do direct selling.

Remember, we hate being tried to sell us things in a world where, for every click you make, they try to sell you something irrelevant.


Marketing is a powerful tool, if you know how to use it you will sell a lot. But that means you have to be ethical with what you advertise. If you sell a product or service that is junk, try to sell smoke or promise things that are not true... BETTER you should focus on improving and offering a good product or service, before doing a good Marketing. So no Trading masterclasses please.

The best company is not the one that sells the most, but the one that treats its customers the best.

Happy week everyone!!! :)

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