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This is how we have helped a furniture company to bill 95.000 € with Google Ads

I'm going to tell you the story of how we have helped a furniture company to bill from 0 to 95,000 € with our Google Ads strategies.

The company that we have helped on this occasion, is based in Spain and is dedicated to the sale of furniture for the home, by selling through its website 100% online.

This company had a good investment budget, they decided to test the campaigns themselves, but ended up in despair because they did not achieve the desired results.

THE MISTAKEnot having a solid strategy, nor being a marketing expert. Join me in this success story of one of our best clients.


I will show you the results and the evolution of the account.

We can see a summary of the results of the campaigns for this company. They started managing the campaigns since August 29th. They started on their own without much knowledge about marketing and Google Ads.

As we can see, they did not have great results and are very low expectations.

0 Conversions in more than 20 days and an expense of more than 200 € per day.

The result, campaigns that are not profitable.

This company paused the campaigns, as they did not see results and lost a lot of money.

After 2 months they contacted us to help them control their campaigns and create a strategy.

After some analysis , we got down to work and the campaigns went live on November 14.

Here you can see the big difference, from day one, we had sales conversions.

As you can see, until day 21, we had a high cost per conversion for this type of company and a too expensive CPC. Therefore we had to make adjustments again.

I want to remember that a campaign is never going to work 100% the first time. You should always work on it and optimize it. If you stop optimizing and working daily on the campaign, sooner or later you will end up losing profitability and a lot of money.

That is why you must work on it every day and know what you are doing.

Then, after these changes, the CPC and cost per conversion dropped very drastically, finally achieving the expected profitability. From here you can see that the campaign held up quite well in terms of conversions, clicks and return.

With an investment of 23 thousand euros in 2 months and a return of 429 percent, this new company went from zero turnover to 95 thousand euros in sales in less than 3 months of work. A 4-fold return.

Here is the complete summary of the account:

Evolution from August 29 to January 23. Upline since November 14 (when we were hired).

That said, I am not going to show you exactly what we did, as our strategies are private. But I can give you recommendations for your campaign, if you want to increase profitability.


We apply these strategies in this account to achieve results like the ones you have seen. For Google search campaigns.


The type of bid.

Never use the bidding strategy of maximizing conversions or target conversion return.

This strategy only works for companies that have been using Google Ads for at least 3 months with an average of 100 conversions per month.

If your account is new and you do not have these figures, use Maximize clicks.

With a fixed maximum CPC. To set the maximum CPC, you must use the Google Ads keyword planner and see what is the average CPC to appear in the top positions. If the minimum CPC is 3 € and the maximum is 6 €. You will have to adjust it according to your budget. In this case it would be interesting to set a CPC of 5 € maximum with a daily budget of 500 € per day to try to get at least 100 clicks per day.

Remember that if you are below 100 clicks, it will be more difficult to make the campaign profitable and obtain conversions.

If your budget cannot be adjusted to these values, it is better to look for other cheaper keywords. We have also worked with campaigns that have a budget of 20 € per day and we have helped you (but with a lower average CPC in the market).

And if you want to optimize the cost per click to the maximum, use the manual CPC by keywords, although we'll leave that for another blog...



Use keywords with commercial intent and not with informative intent.

Most companies make this mistake, and put informative keywords that have no purchase intent. It is not the same the keyword "hire architect" in comparison with "architect just" or "what an architect does".

Use long-tail keywords, as precise and direct as possible to your product or service and with purchase intent.

On the other hand, don't forget the concordances. If you are selling a very specific service or product use exact matches and if it is a product or service with a more open audience... use phrase matches. NEVER broad concordances.

A quick example:

If you sell loans of all kinds, you are interested in phrase matching, as your audience is very open-minded.

If you sell loans only to companies, you are interested in exact matches, to avoid being approached by people who do not have a company, since it is a specific service.


If you don't know how many keywords to use, put a maximum of 20 per ad group.

This company we have worked with used the bidding to maximize conversions, without having conversions. Well, you have seen the result. They used this strategy to follow Google's recommendations, but Google is only interested in you spending your money, not in you getting as many sales as possible.

So a piece of advice, never, but never... listen to Google's recommendations recommendations or you will lose money.



Landing page.

It's no use having good ads if after the click, they go to a bad web page. The Landing page is where the purchase or the contact subscription, forms, etc. are made. Therefore it must have harmony, I will give you tips for a good Landing page:

It must be direct. That is to say, if the ad is for blue sneakers, the Landing page should lead directly to the blue sneakers. I see many companies that have the habit of advertising products but then the Landing page takes you to the homepage.

I didn't click to see your homepage, but to see the blue sneakers...

If what you want is to get contacts through a form. The first thing you should see is the form with a clear and precise call to action. Do not put an informative page with a lot of text and a form at the bottom of the page. You destroy the sale.

The web must be fast, if it takes too long to load, potential customers will leave before seeing anything and it will cost you money.

To see the speed of the website, visit page speed insight of Google, put the link of your website and see what result you get. Do not worry if your website is above 50 points on both mobile and desktop, only if it is below that figure.

And finally, put different types of calls to action. Even if your main objective is a product sale or a form. You must have alternatives that generate confidence or that fit the customer. For example, a WhatsApp button, email addresses or a support chat.

If you apply these 3 strategies you have many possibilities to increase the profitability of your campaigns and get more customers.

If you want us to help you with your campaigns to achieve resultslike these, you can visit our website and contact us, we will be happy to help you!

We have helped more than 400 companies to improve their visibility with Google Ads, although we also control other types of marketing such as Email, Facebook, Tiktok and much more...

I hope this blog has helped you to improve your campaigns and grow your business.

See you soon!


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